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3 reasons you should start a tech blog

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Productivity Lifestyle Career Advice

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Recently, I came across interesting blogs online that would provide materials on learning how to code, cheat sheets (i.e. CSS, Git, Markdown), and professional development information. Then, whenever I had issues in particular courses and looked up information - I would always come across a blog of someone who had went through the course themselves.

One day I decided to look at the about me page of someone who had posted information about an online course. To my surprise - this individual was still a student, and had been running her blog for several years. It made me realize that if I can find someone through their blog - recruiters and other important individuals can too!

After doing a few pretend blog posts on notion for practice and researching online, I found it interesting enough to write a post about why us tech newbies should start a blog! This is my first post! (I may or may not be motivating myselfn with this article…)

1. Genius level info retainage 🧠

Have you ever went back to an old project and wish you remembered exactly what you did? Well, documenting how and why you have done a project in the past can help!

a. Think of it as an extra way to study. When we study, often we have a place to go back and lookover that information. Additionally, simply writing about how you coded a project can help you establish new and better workflows for future projects. This will also help you remember what worked best in the past.

b. I have asked many teachers: How do you remember so many things and keep up with the constant new information being pushed out in todays society?

Their answer is that teaching the information itself helped them remember. Many university articles such as this one also explain this concept. Writing blog posts in a way that you are reteaching what you have just learned or discovered is an incredible way to commit that information to memory.

2. More money in your pocket 💰

It can be hard enough to be motivated to blog when you come home from work to do MORE work. However, what if a part of that work was also making you money like your job?

a. One way to earn money on blog posts is to incorporate affiliate links into your posts. Stats show that through Amazon affiliate links alone, bloggers can make $100 to $500 without enormous traffic numbers.

For example, perhaps you choose to write about products that have helped you stay focused on your daily tasks. All of these products can be a link copy and pasted that would direct readers to a product. This link would generate income since you were involved in the advertisement for that product.

b. After a few posts, you can start using Google Adsense on your website. With adsense, you can earn around $200 to $2,500 a month within your first year of blogging with strategic and smart content. Ofcourse, getting noticed is not a gurantee if you do not put in the work to study SEO and Google Analytics. However, even with some part-time effort it is possible to make some extra pocket money to supplement your self-study efforts.

However, your goal does not have to be to make money from your blog. Blogging can definetly help you reach a more career-oriented goal 👇🏾.

3. #Breakintotech made easier! 📈

Are you looking for a way to get noticed by recruiters in your tech journey? Well, blogging your self-teaching practices will definetly help!

It can be hard to prove just how passionate you are about embarking into a new industry. As tech newbies, we have to find ways to get noticed in a sea of other experienced and talented applicants.

Having a blog to showcase your skills, writing ability, and determination in learning new things proves the kind of person you are advertising yourself to be. Hiring managers have to spend a lot of time trying to choose between candidates who all have great experience, personalities, and skills. Having a blog can further authenticate all three of these things and make you stand out against other applicants!

Not convinced yet? Read a few stories of how blogging has helped people in their careers.

Shara Belton
Shara Belton
A future data scientist and a dancer who loves volunteering, k-pop, hiking, anime, manga, and webtoons. She also hikes, draws, sings on occasion.

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