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About Me

About Me



Hello world, my name is Shara Belton (Shar - ruh Bell - tin)! I’m a 21 year old woman on the internet, blogging her experiences away. I mean… what else do you do when you do not have social media?

This blog use to be soley tech focused, but I decided at the beginning of 2023 that I want to express a bit more of my personality and make this a fun personal blog! I feel like it is easier to connect with someone who seems like a dynamic human being more than a robot that codes all day long. So, here is the short story of my career before I go into the personality stuff:


Originally, I was a Kinesiology major. My first goal was to become a Physical Therapist, but my chosen career changed many times. I then went from Occupational Therapy to Physical Therapy as career choices - but working as a Medical Assistant made me realize that healthcare was not the right path for me. However, after self-teaching how to code for a year, I decided to go back to school for a Computer Science major in Fall 2022! It is personally important to me that I learn a good foundation of computer science, in case I ever want to branch out of Software Engineering or leave the States.

On top of that, I have other goals outside of Software Engineering!

Personal Goals

  1. I want to gather the equipment and credentials to one day film workout videos on YouTube.
  2. I want to get financially stable enough to travel the world.
  3. Dance professionally one day :>
  4. I want to film some song covers this year, I already bought the microphone to do it :D

Other than that, I am proud to say that I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community (hi fellow pansexuals!), and have many other interests outside of coding!

Hobbies & Interests

  1. Anime, Manga, Webtoons
  2. Succulents
  3. Drawing
  4. Dance (Kpop, Hip-Hop)
  5. Singing
  6. Reading (get ready for some book reviews!)
  7. Gaming
  8. Yoga/Pilates

And the list goes on!

Anyways, enough about me! Tell me about yourself in the comments below or contact me through email.

See ya in my next post!

P.S. this Blog is in a continuous development state! I made this off of the Blowfish Theme using the Hugo framework, and plan on making some major layout tweaks as I get more familiar with Json and JavaScript.

Shara Belton
Shara Belton
A future data scientist and a dancer who loves volunteering, k-pop, hiking, anime, manga, and webtoons. She also hikes, draws, sings on occasion.

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